Saturday, August 06, 2005

Crib Shopping On Long Island

There comes a time when all good Long Island chicks grow up and get knocked up. So I find myself searching for bedding and all the accessories that come with a baby. I thought it might be useful to let readers in on my good crib experience.

Pottery barn loves to kill rain forests by sending me endless catalogs which I read but never order from. I don't hesitate to steal my ideas from them though. The two photos above show a Ragazzi crib on the top and a PB crib on the bottom. They are both very similar in style. As expected the Pottery Barn one is more expensive. I checked out the PB crib in their store and it was nice, but somehow not as grand as I expected for $699. (plus shipping)

I then went shopping at Behr's located at 1220 Hicksville Rd, Rte. 107, Seaford, NY. They have a sea of cribs to wade through and it took me 3 trips to narrow it down the to a crib I liked. Which just happens to look like the PB one I liked. It costs only $579 compared to $699 and it is much more solid. All of its fittings and metal are concealed to give a smooth appearance. The PB crib has plastic strips on the drop rail which cheapens the whole look.

Behr's sales people were great. They do not hover or try to aggressively sell you a crib. When you ask for help they are very nice, answer all the questions and don't make you feel like a fool for being clueless about what to actually do with a crib. I was very impressed with the whole experience. Good shopping experiences are becoming more and more rare around here.


gabriela said...

i love your furniture but think that you guys i think that your prices are a little to much not everyone makes so much money

Melissa said...
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S. Dossena said...

We ordered an upholstered chair the second week of October. It is now over 20 weeks from our order date and have yet to receive the chair!!! The only reason we have any additional information is because we called the store to follow up. It took them over a week to get back to us and no manager has reached out to us at all. They have offered us nothing!!!

Unknown said...

NEVER BUY FROM BEHRS! I ordered baby furniture first week of July and it didn't get delivered until October. Not only did they delivery furniture about 4 weeks late, the furniture came damaged and was redelivered another month later damaged again!! I am now told that I will receive my furniture in January. When I complained I was told there is nothing they can do... they do not have quality control before furniture is delivered and the furniture is made from 3rd world countries so they have to wait until new shipments are made. I will only buy from companies that make their own furniture in the USA and can stand behind their quality.