Monday, April 30, 2007

Cool T-shirts and civil-i-tees

I've recently started a small on-line shop selling various t-shirt and gift items. Have a peek if you like. I'm focusing on a line of shirts Celebrating a series of quotes from George Washington based on an old book on rules of civility. I'll post more when I get a chance.

Thanks for looking.

George Washington on Respect

Is this rude?

Living in Nassau County we have the good fortune of being able to call up the sanitation department and schedule a "big pickup" of items larger than what you would put in your usual trash. This includes mattresses, dishwashers, carpeting, and more.

This morning my neighbors put out items for a big pickup. From what I could see it looked like a lot of old office equipment. Later on I noticed the neighborhood snoop had strolled down the block to take a good look at this trash up close and personal. She stood there for a good five minutes staring at these peoples trash. She then started walking home but turned around to stare a little longer.

I suppose there are many worse things a neighbor can do, but really, is this kind of scrutiny necessary? This snoop is known to ask way too many personal question and accost workers who are working at her neighbors houses. She also likes to tell anybody who will listen, exactly how much her neighbors are paying for private school and other fees.

I think she should just mind her own business.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Do you think this will lower my taxes?

I live in an overpriced Long Island Heap that we pay dearly for. Each year our taxes have gone up because the property values around us keep going up. Each tax dollar spent is another dollar I don't have to pay some rip-off artist to come re-side my house.

My only choice to end the madness was to file an appeal with the tax assessors office to see if I can get a break. I told them I think my house is about $40,000 less in value than they claim. I backed this up with recent local sales that I found on rather than their "comparable sales" on On the Nassau site all the properties listed sold for well above what my home should be valued at and well above what I think they are worth. One tiny house on a tiny lot just sold for about $500,000. It's also on a busy road. I just don't get it.

Anyway, the appeals website also let me post photo documentation to prove my case. I"m going to post one picture of my siding that I included. We really really need to do something about it but we've got to wait for some more $$$$.
The photos I took look incredibly horrible because I took them at night in the pouring rain. I'll only post one for the sake of privacy though.
The time for appeal ended on March 1st, but when we all get reassessed again, I think we get another chance next year. I really think they are robbing the community each time they raise our taxes. Every dollar the county takes is another one I don't spend on local business services like gardening service, home enhancement and more. When will it all level off? I think I'll have to move.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Sadly neglected blog

Having made the attempt to start a second blog suited for my newest role in life as a mother, I have dropped off the face of the blogging earth. Actually my baby began crawling and then walking and skipping naps giving me no time to blog.

With that said, I'm trying to turn over a new blogging leaf and get with the program. I hope to be a more active blogger with more useful information about thing on and around Long Island. Happy belated New Year!

Monday, July 31, 2006

Town of Hempstead offers cooling center's for the hot weather

Following in the footsteps of NYC the town of Hempstead will open cooling centers for residents on August 1st and 2nd.

So if you air conditioning conks out or of LIPA fails you, you can check out this link to find out where to go to cool your heels. (other than the mall)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Free Counseling Online for Long Islanders

I've been moaning about how nasty everyone seems to be around here lately and perhaps some of the people I encounter are in need of some mental health help. Good news!! There is free online therapy available and it's anonymous. I think this is a really good service and it deserves more publicity so people who need it know it's there. I read about it in a local paper. Have a look around the website. They also do phone counseling.

Finding Day Care in Nassau County

I found this free service online that helps people find day care. It's only a referal service and takes no blame if they day care you choose stinks but it is FREE. This may be a useful starting point for anyone needed child/infant care.