Sunday, March 04, 2007

Do you think this will lower my taxes?

I live in an overpriced Long Island Heap that we pay dearly for. Each year our taxes have gone up because the property values around us keep going up. Each tax dollar spent is another dollar I don't have to pay some rip-off artist to come re-side my house.

My only choice to end the madness was to file an appeal with the tax assessors office to see if I can get a break. I told them I think my house is about $40,000 less in value than they claim. I backed this up with recent local sales that I found on rather than their "comparable sales" on On the Nassau site all the properties listed sold for well above what my home should be valued at and well above what I think they are worth. One tiny house on a tiny lot just sold for about $500,000. It's also on a busy road. I just don't get it.

Anyway, the appeals website also let me post photo documentation to prove my case. I"m going to post one picture of my siding that I included. We really really need to do something about it but we've got to wait for some more $$$$.
The photos I took look incredibly horrible because I took them at night in the pouring rain. I'll only post one for the sake of privacy though.
The time for appeal ended on March 1st, but when we all get reassessed again, I think we get another chance next year. I really think they are robbing the community each time they raise our taxes. Every dollar the county takes is another one I don't spend on local business services like gardening service, home enhancement and more. When will it all level off? I think I'll have to move.


guenette said...

I think so... But if the value of properties around you are still increasing, you might affected of it instead.

Live with your dream... Retirement Community Long Island

guenette said...

I think so... But if the value of properties around you are still increasing, you might affected of it instead. Better to think solution on how you can manage your tax.

Live with your dream... Retirement Community Long Island